Monday, January 5, 2009

I ruined the joke!


Cute guy at the deli (let me be clear, he's not really someone I'd want to date, but he's super hot in a low key kind of way and I adore joking with him). He asked me what I did for New Year's. I said I was sick (true) and stayed home. I added that it was rather enjoyable to stay home, and that NYE was really starting to lose it's sparkle for me. But, seriously, NYE lost it's sparkle around 2002, so "starting" is not exactly accurate. He said, "New Year's Eve lost it's sparkle a LONG time ago for me." To which I dryly replied, "You must be a LOT older than me." Straight faced, "I'm 75 years old." (See why I like joking with him?) Me? "I'm thirty... NINE!"

Really, genius? You lied by 3 years? Way to crap on a joke...

Then of course, I'm taking the elevator upstairs, the whole time vascillating between cringing at my part and laughing at his and then laughing at what I COULD HAVE said. When I'm thinking an emotion, it shows on my face. By the time I get to my office, I'm actually talking to myself, and one of the IT guys who normally will not afford me the dignity of eye contact walks by and hears me blathering to myself about how "I really fucked that up..."

Can I please escape me?

1 comment:

Michelle said...

quintessential Meredith... fodder for my love!