Friday, January 8, 2010

Yes We Can #5

Just like Obama's current state of affairs, Chia Obama had some setbacks this morning.  While the instructions stated a shower cap might do Obama's growth some good, I failed to take into account the general abundance of humidity in San Francisco.  A double humidity whammy if you will.  I came in to work to find strange sperm-like seeds oozing down the back of Obama's neck.  It was kind of gross.

I fear bald spots on Obama's "determined" bust.

On the up side, the sperms are growing tails, so I'm doing something right. Unfortunately, I can't find my real camera, so the camera phone shots are all I have and they don't do close-ups. 

Later today, I'm going to seive the water in the tray for extra seeds in hopes I can replace them on his head.  The good thing with Obama Chia (and probably the real Obama) is, the seed packet provided more than a second chance.  I could be growing head sprouts all winter, if I so chose.


Unknown said...

it looks like the past of seeds and water was too watery, and everything slid off.
it should be more like peanut butter consistency, as opposed to jelly. :)
Do you have seeds left over, or did you used them all up? If you do, I'd suggest you wipe it off and start again?

kristar said...

I can't wait to see him with a full head of hair.